young vibrant woman leaning on edge of bridge holding green apple

Supplement review session

A professional review of your supplements is a great first step in optimising your health. Rather relying on generic advice, a review of your supplement stack with a functional medicine practitioner offers recommendations based on your individual health needs, lifestyle, and goals.

  • With functional medicine practitioner

  • Review contraindications

  • Access prescription grade supplements

$348 AUD

This session is right for you if you’re after a short session to gain guidance on your existing supplement protocol. 

Want to speak with someone before booking? Book a discovery call here.

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Functional medicine practitioner

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Book to review your supplement protocol

This session is right for you if you’re after a short session to gain guidance on your existing supplement protocol.

Want to speak with someone before booking? Book a discovery call here.

practitioner jabe and health coach bee sitting on a couch discussing lab results.

Why choose this service

A professional review of your supplements can be beneficial for many reasons. We’ll check that your supplements are safe for you to take, and do not negatively interact with any medications, supplements, or existing health conditions. This review also helps determine whether your supplements are providing the intended benefits and if they align with your health goals.

Additionally, your practitioner will assess if you’re taking the correct dosage to maximise effectiveness while minimising potential side effects, and verify that the supplements are of high quality and from reputable sources. They’ll also identify any overlaps or redundancies in your supplement regimen, ensuring you’re not taking unnecessary supplements.

Why choose this service

A professional review of your supplements can be beneficial for many reasons. We’ll check that your supplements are safe for you to take, and do not negatively interact with any medications, supplements, or existing health conditions. This review also helps determine whether your supplements are providing the intended benefits and if they align with your health goals.

Additionally, your practitioner will assess if you’re taking the correct dosage to maximise effectiveness while minimising potential side effects, and verify that the supplements are of high quality and from reputable sources.

They’ll also identify any overlaps or redundancies in your supplement regimen, ensuring you’re not taking unnecessary supplements.

practitioner jabe and health coach bee sitting on a couch discussing lab results.
mark payne functional medicine practitioner chatting with liv brown health coach

Is this service right for you?

A supplement review is beneficial for anyone taking nutritional supplements who is not currently under the care of a health professional with expertise in nutritional biochemistry.

If you aren’t taking supplements but are interested in finding out which ones may be suitable for you, starting with an optimisation kickstart session or completing a comprehensive biomarker array would be a recommended initial pathway.


mark payne functional medicine practitioner chatting with liv brown health coach

Is this service right for you?

A supplement review is beneficial for anyone taking nutritional supplements who is not currently under the care of a health professional with expertise in nutritional biochemistry.

If you aren’t taking supplements but are interested in finding out which ones may be suitable for you, starting with an optimisation kickstart session or completing a comprehensive biomarker array would be a recommended initial pathway.

practitioner jabe and health coach bee sitting on a couch discussing lab results.

Why choose Melbourne Functional Medicine

Our functional medicine practitioners are experts in the field of supplementation.

With extensive knowledge in human physiology, biochemistry, and systems biology, we’re equipped to safely prescribe nutritional supplements. We provide expert advice on contraindications and personalised dosages to ensure optimal health outcomes.

We operate an extensive on-site dispensary that features high-quality, prescription-grade supplements, including nootropics, essential nutrients, prebiotics, probiotics, and herbal compounds. 

Why choose Melbourne Functional Medicine

Our functional medicine practitioners are experts in the field of supplementation.

With extensive knowledge in human physiology, biochemistry, and systems biology, we’re equipped to safely prescribe nutritional supplements. We provide expert advice on contraindications and personalised dosages to ensure optimal health outcomes.

We operate an extensive on-site dispensary that features high-quality, prescription-grade supplements, including nootropics, essential nutrients, prebiotics, probiotics, and herbal compounds. 

practitioner jabe and health coach bee sitting on a couch discussing lab results.

Still have questions?

Ask your question in the form below and we’ll get back to you as soon as possible.

Health coach Bee Pennington wearing teal dress with phone against ear and looking at computer on her lap

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