Fasting as a strategy for boosting cellular health and longevity

Regular fasting activates autophagy, reduces oxidative stress and inflammation, delays ageing-related diseases, enhances cellular repair, and promotes longevity by improving metabolic health, making it a promising strategy for healthy ageing and increased healthspan.

The link between blood biomarkers and longevity potential

Lower cholesterol and iron levels, alongside higher glucose, uric acid, and liver enzymes, are associated with a reduced chance of living to 100. These findings suggest a link between specific blood biomarkers and exceptional longevity, offering potential insights into the biological factors behind longer life expectancy.

Rejuvenating aged stem cells to extend health and lifespan

Key strategies to rejuvenate aged stem cells and extend healthspan and lifespan include physical exercise, diet manipulation, targeting senescence, autophagy, epigenetic reprogramming, and using circulating blood factors. These methods enhance tissue homeostasis and regenerative capacity, potentially improving overall health and longevity.

The impact of genetics and lifestyle on brain ageing and longevity

Genetic and modifiable risk factors affect brain regions vulnerable to aging and diseases like Alzheimer’s and schizophrenia. Key factors include diabetes, traffic-related air pollution, and alcohol intake. Modifying these risk factors could help protect these fragile brain regions, promoting healthier ageing.

Microplastics impact behaviour and inflammation in young and old mice

Short-term exposure to polystyrene microplastics in drinking water caused behavioural changes and increased inflammation in both young and old mice, with age-specific variations in effects. This highlights potential health risks from microplastic pollution across different age groups.

Glucose tracking with CGMs: Your longevity ally

CGMs have emerged as a powerful tool for monitoring and improving metabolic health and healthspan. Learn how you can transform this data into new habits to optimise your health.