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How metabolic rate affects lifespan: gender differences

Scientists conducted a study to understand how the basal metabolic rate (BMR) affects lifespan, specifically considering differences between males and females. BMR refers to the energy the body needs to perform basic functions when at rest. The researchers used a...

Taurine: The key to slowing ageing?

Taurine, a compound found in our bodies and certain foods, plays a crucial role in various physiological processes. Recent scientific research suggests that a deficiency of taurine could contribute to the ageing process. A study published in the journal Science...

Vibrotactile stimulation: Boosting brain health and motor skills

A recent study explored the effects of a type of sensory stimulation called vibrotactile stimulation on brain health and motor skills. The researchers found that this type of stimulation, which involves gentle vibrations at a specific frequency, can help reduce the...

The ageing puzzle: how gene expression affects lifespan

The process of ageing is influenced by various changes that occur in our bodies, particularly at the level of gene expression. A recent scientific study titled "Ageing-associated changes in transcriptional elongation influence longevity" has shed light on how these...

Zoledronic acid: A breakthrough in longevity research

Zoledronic acid, a medication known for reducing fracture risk, has shown potential benefits beyond skeletal health. Some studies indicate that it can decrease mortality in humans and extend both lifespan and health span in animals. These additional effects may be...

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