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Mitochondrial dysfunction influences brain ageing and disease

Mitochondrial dysfunction is highlighted as a pivotal element in brain ageing and associated diseases, playing a significant role in energy shortages, elevated oxidative stress, and neuronal harm, driving the advancement of neurodegenerative conditions. March 2024 -...

Carrot compound isofalcarintriol enhances longevity

Isofalcarintriol, a polyacetylene found in carrots, promotes health and delays ageing. It activates defense mechanisms against oxidative stress, extends lifespan in worms, and in mice, improves glucose metabolism, enhances exercise capacity, and protects against...

Astaxanthin and meclizine extend lifespan in male mice

Astaxanthin and meclizine extended male mouse lifespans by 12% and 8%, respectively, when started at 12 months of age. However, they had no significant effect on female mice. Other tested compounds, including fisetin and dimethyl fumarate, showed no notable impact on...

Autophagy’s role in preventing vision loss with age

A 2023 study has highlighted the pivotal role of autophagy in age-related macular degeneration (AMD). Autophagy, especially in the retinal pigment epithelium (RPE), is crucial for clearing harmful reactive oxygen species and damaged mitochondria. The research...

Exploring α-KG’s role in promoting cellular health

Metabolic reprogramming, especially the dysregulation of glutamine metabolism, is pivotal in tumorigenesis and resistance to therapy. Elevated glutamine metabolic pathways were observed in patients with primary DLBCL. However, the glutamine derivative,...

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