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Gut inflammation associated with ageing and Alzheimer’s risk

Higher gut inflammation levels are linked with ageing and Alzheimer’s disease, with elevated inflammation markers found in older individuals and those with Alzheimer’s, suggesting intestinal inflammation may contribute to the disease’s progression. November 2023 -...

New hope in Alzheimer’s through metabolic rescue

Aberrant protein S-nitrosylation in Alzheimer's disease inhibits the TCA cycle, causing synaptic loss due to compromised mitochondrial metabolism. Treatment with dimethyl succinate bypasses this block, partially restoring mitochondrial function and reversing synapse...

Optimising Alzheimer’s treatment with plaque clearance

A recent article from ALZFORUM reports that complete removal of amyloid plaques, rather than mere reduction, is essential for clinical benefits in Alzheimer's disease treatments. Early amyloid negativity is linked to slowed tangle buildup, emphasizing the importance...

Mitochondrial dysfunction predictive factor for cognitive decline

Mitochondrial dysfunction in skeletal muscles is potentially linked to cognitive impairment and biomarkers of Alzheimer's disease, suggesting a connection between muscle health and brain health in ageing and neurodegeneration. October 2023 - Alzheimer's & Dementia...

ApoE4 influence on Alzheimer’s progression

The ApoE4 gene variant may accelerate tau pathology at lower amyloid levels in Alzheimer's disease, influencing disease progression and treatment strategies​​. November 2023 - JAMA Neurology   Key takeaways   ApoE4 and tau pathology: Individuals carrying the...

Enhancing brain health through HMB

HMB, a muscle-building supplement, binds to PPARα, enhancing hippocampal functions and reducing Alzheimer’s disease plaques in mice. This interaction highlights HMB's potential as a neuroprotective agent, opening avenues for its use in combating cognitive decline and...

How the gut microbiome may predict Alzheimer’s disease

Gut microbiome composition may serve as an early indicator of preclinical Alzheimer's disease (AD). By comparing the gut microbial profiles in cognitively normal individuals, researchers identified specific bacterial taxa associated with early preclinical AD,...

Vibrotactile stimulation: Boosting brain health and motor skills

A recent study explored the effects of a type of sensory stimulation called vibrotactile stimulation on brain health and motor skills. The researchers found that this type of stimulation, which involves gentle vibrations at a specific frequency, can help reduce the...

The role of deep sleep in protecting against Alzheimer’s disease

Deep non-rapid eye movement (NREM) sleep may serve as a protective factor against Alzheimer's disease (AD) pathology, according to a recent study. Researchers examined the sleep patterns of older individuals without dementia and found a significant association between...

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