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Gut inflammation associated with ageing and Alzheimer’s risk

Higher gut inflammation levels are linked with ageing and Alzheimer’s disease, with elevated inflammation markers found in older individuals and those with Alzheimer’s, suggesting intestinal inflammation may contribute to the disease’s progression. November 2023 -...

The link between gut health and ageing acceleration

Gut bacteria may causally influence biological ageing by altering DNA methylation, with implications for microbiota-focused longevity therapies. November 2023 - Scientific Reports   Key takeaways   Gut microbiota's causal role: The diversity and presence of...

How the gut microbiome may predict Alzheimer’s disease

Gut microbiome composition may serve as an early indicator of preclinical Alzheimer's disease (AD). By comparing the gut microbial profiles in cognitively normal individuals, researchers identified specific bacterial taxa associated with early preclinical AD,...

Eating for longevity: The science-backed approach

Diet plays a significant role in determining how long we can maintain good health and functional capacity. It encompasses various factors such as the composition of the food we consume, the number of calories we intake, and the duration and frequency of fasting...

Microplastics harm fish health: Study finds

There is a growing body of research that suggests that microplastics may pose a health risk to humans. A study was conducted to determine the effects of dietary microplastics on the digestive performance, hepatic function, and lifespan of the annual fish...

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