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The benefits of balanced daily routines on sleep patterns and ageing

Daily activities, including sleep, physical activity, and sedentary behavior, interact within a 24-hour period, impacting sleep quality among Australian children and adults. Using compositional data analysis, the research emphasises the importance of considering the...

Sleep enhances brain health and longevity

Neuronal activity boosts cerebrospinal fluid flow to remove brain waste during sleep, potentially affecting longevity and ageing. February 2024 - Nature   Key takeaways   Neuronal activity enhances fluid flow: The brain's neurons, when active, drive the flow...

Warm your feet, enhance your sleep

Wearing bed socks to warm feet can significantly improve sleep quality in a cool environment, shortening sleep onset, extending sleep duration, and reducing awakenings, without affecting core body temperature.  April 2018 - Journal of Physiological Anthropology  ...

Can taking naps enhance brain health?

A recent study has explored the causal relationship between habitual daytime napping and brain health. Using Mendelian randomisation, it revealed a modest causal link between regular napping and larger total brain volume, providing insights into the potential...

The role of deep sleep in protecting against Alzheimer’s disease

Deep non-rapid eye movement (NREM) sleep may serve as a protective factor against Alzheimer's disease (AD) pathology, according to a recent study. Researchers examined the sleep patterns of older individuals without dementia and found a significant association between...

New insights into mechanism of circadian rhythms

A team of researchers from the University of Pennsylvania has identified the structure of the circadian rhythm photosensor and its target in fruit flies (Drosophila melanogaster). The research, published in the journal Nature, provides new insights into the mechanisms...

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