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Sleep enhances brain health and longevity

Mar 18, 2024

Neuronal activity boosts cerebrospinal fluid flow to remove brain waste during sleep, potentially affecting longevity and ageing.

February 2024 – Nature


Key takeaways


  • Neuronal activity enhances fluid flow: The brain’s neurons, when active, drive the flow of cerebrospinal fluid, which plays a crucial role in washing away harmful waste products. This activity is vital for maintaining brain health and preventing neurodegenerative diseases
  • Link to brain health: Efficient removal of brain waste is essential for keeping the brain functioning at its best. This process helps prevent the accumulation of toxic substances that can lead to cognitive decline, offering a protective mechanism against ageing-related brain conditions
  • Sleep’s role in brain maintenance: The study highlights the importance of sleep in the brain’s waste removal process. During sleep, the brain’s waste clearance system becomes more active, suggesting that quality sleep is a key component of brain health and longevity


These insights open the door to potential strategies aimed at enhancing brain waste clearance, such as optimising sleep patterns and exploring ways to stimulate neuronal activity. Such approaches could contribute to prolonging brain health and delaying the effects of ageing.


Read the article at: Jiang-Xie, LF., Drieu, A., Bhasiin, K. et al. Neuronal dynamics direct cerebrospinal fluid perfusion and brain clearance. Nature 627, 157–164 (2024).