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Mitochondrial dysfunction influences brain ageing and disease

Mitochondrial dysfunction is highlighted as a pivotal element in brain ageing and associated diseases, playing a significant role in energy shortages, elevated oxidative stress, and neuronal harm, driving the advancement of neurodegenerative conditions. March 2024 -...

New hope in Alzheimer’s through metabolic rescue

Aberrant protein S-nitrosylation in Alzheimer's disease inhibits the TCA cycle, causing synaptic loss due to compromised mitochondrial metabolism. Treatment with dimethyl succinate bypasses this block, partially restoring mitochondrial function and reversing synapse...

Glial mitochondrial signals impact neuronal proteostasis and ageing

Glial cells, when detecting mitochondrial stress, send signals to neurons that help maintain protein balance and reduce protein aggregation. This communication between glia and neurons is key in regulating protein homeostasis, significantly influencing the aging...

Carrot compound isofalcarintriol enhances longevity

Isofalcarintriol, a polyacetylene found in carrots, promotes health and delays ageing. It activates defense mechanisms against oxidative stress, extends lifespan in worms, and in mice, improves glucose metabolism, enhances exercise capacity, and protects against...

Mitochondrial dysfunction predictive factor for cognitive decline

Mitochondrial dysfunction in skeletal muscles is potentially linked to cognitive impairment and biomarkers of Alzheimer's disease, suggesting a connection between muscle health and brain health in ageing and neurodegeneration. October 2023 - Alzheimer's & Dementia...

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